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Planning Board Minutes 06/04/13
Planning Board
June 4, 2013
Approved September 17, 2013

Members Present:  Bruce Healey, Chair; Tom Vannatta, Vice-Chair; Bill Weiler, Ron Williams, Travis Dezotell, Russell Smith, Members; Deane Geddes, Alternate; Rachel Ruppel, Advisor; Jim Powell, ex-officio member.

Mr. Healey called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.


CIP Committee
Ms. Ruppel reviewed the CIP Committee’s schedule with the Board. The Committee will meet two times this summer with department heads to determine the latter’s capital needs. She said there are no major changes anticipated. She noted that, to date, the committee includes Ivor Freeman, chair, Tom Vannatta, Bruce Barton, and Ron Williams.

CASE: Case 2013-006: Preliminary – Site Plan Review – Baker Hill golf Club/Agent: Rick Flint. Wants to discuss their proposal to remove the existing cart barn and build a new multi-use building with expanded cart storage, additional locker space and operational use areas. Map/Lot 038-758-501.

Mr. Healey read into the record the Public Notice as follows:
You are hereby notified that the Planning Board will receive submission of an
Application for a Preliminary Site Plan Review from Baker Hill Golf Club to tear down the existing cart barn and build a larger multi-use building, for property located at 101 Baker Hill Rd, Newbury, NH, Tax Map 038-758-501 on Tuesday, June 4, 2013, at 7:05 p.m. in the Town Office Building at 937 Route 103 in Newbury, NH.  If the application is accepted as complete, a public hearing on the application will commence at the same meeting. Copies of the plan are available for public review at the Town Office Building during regular business hours.  Interested citizens are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their views.  Signed written comments will be accepted during business hours at least one (1) business day prior to the meeting at the Land Use Office.  Land Use Office hours are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8am to noon.

The application was reviewed for completeness.

Mr. Vannatta made a motion to accept the application as complete. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. Mr. Healey called for a Roll Call vote.
In Favor: Mr. Williams, Mr. Smith, Mr. Dezotell, Mr. Powell, Mr. Weiler, Mr. Vannatta, Mr. Healey
Opposed: None

Mr. Healey opened the hearing.

Rick Flint, Old Hampshire Designs presented to the Board. Robert Turcotte, maintenance director for Baker Hill Golf Club was also present.

Mr. Healey asked about the size of the existing barn. Mr. Flint said it is 65-feet by 32-feet. Mr. Flint said the existing barn is an old timber frame barn that was on the original property. It has been used as cart storage for the Club’s 56 golf carts. However, there is a need for storage of 74 carts when a tournament is held at the Club. He noted that the Club is at full membership and that the storage needs have outgrown the capacity of the current barn.

Multiple alternatives have been examined, Mr. Flint said, including the plan currently proposed. The plan calls for replacing the barn with a larger building with a 15-foot setback from the road. The new building would offer cart storage, conference room, locker facilities, office space, and open meeting space. Mr. Flint reviewed the plans noting the improved traffic flow for the golf carts, increased storage area for Mr. Turcotte’s needs, improved access behind the building, operational office space on the second floor, a community meeting area, locker rooms, and a golf pro office tied into the existing pro shop.

Mr. Turcotte noted that the existing lockers are currently located in the club house and that many members end up changing in the parking lot. The proposed plans would relocate the lockers to the new building.

Mr. Flint said the heating/cooling system is a heat pump and is set up for seasonal use. He added that the exterior paint and roof will be identical to what is there now. He said there are nine exterior lamps and one plug-type light which will give ample lighting.

Mr. Powell asked about the water source and level of use. Mr. Turcotte said the source is the same as it is now for the clubhouse and that usage should be similar as well – about 500 gallons daily.

Mr. Powell asked if the number of golf carts will increase. Mr. Flint said probably, so the Club can better handle the demands of a tournament.

Mr. Powell asked how they will handle the “grey water”. Mr. Turcotte said the system’s catch basins collect it and from there it goes into the Club’s ponds and is used for greens irrigation.

Mr. Powell asked if there will be food service in the new building. Mr. Flint said no.

Mr. Geddes asked if the proposed new bathrooms will result in changes to the existing septic system. Mr. Flint said the new building will tie into the line servicing the existing pro shop. Mr. Turcotte noted that the state counts number of lockers, not the number of toilets when determining its requirements, which is 20 gallons per day, per locker. Mr. Flint said there is enough capacity for 56 lockers at 20 gallons per day.

Mr. Powell asked about the number of golfers on a typical summer day. Mr. Turcotte said a busy weekend would have 80 to 100 golfers daily, and an average week day would have about 40 golfers. Holiday weekends are busier, as well. He added that the Club begins to get busy around June 15th and slows down just after Labor Day.

Mr. Healey reviewed the dimensions of the proposed building, 112-feet by 50-feet, and added that this will be a very large building. Mr. Flint agreed. Mr. Healey said the plans include the south elevation but for the Final Site Plan Review, the plans should include the north elevation as well. Mr. Healey added that the north elevation will be what the public will see from the road and referenced the following Site Plan Review regulations that state: “Large single mass forms are generally out of place unless they are agriculture in nature……Large expanses of uninterrupted walls without windows and without architectural features are to be avoided.” Mr. Healey said he wants to see what the north elevation will look like. Mr. Flint said he will include that in the final application.

Mr. Flint said the design includes a “step-down” look to mitigate the length of the building.

Mr. Healey asked about the plan’s reference to future expansion. Mr. Flint said that refers to interior expansion involving the attic space, not exterior expansion to the building roof.

Mr. Williams referred to the windows on the plan, noting that there are two windows on the second floor and no windows on the lower floor for the cart storage. He added that there are no windows planned for the proposed bathrooms, adding there should be forced ventilation in those areas.

Mr. Weiler noted that the plans should label the cart area as the lower level and directional arrows should be added to the final plan.

Mr. Healey expressed concern regarding the potential water runoff and the adequacy of the proposed new drainage system. Mr. Flint said there will be a stone drip drainage area along the building to pick up roof runoff and that will lead into a French drain. Mr. Turcotte added that there will be the same amount of water going into the system as there is now.

Mr. Healey said the plans call for much more impervious surface than there is now. Mr. Turcotte said the stone drip drainage area is almost four feet wide and will be adequate to handle the runoff.

There was general discussion about the possible reconfiguration of the existing barn foundation.

Mr. Williams asked if the existing stone wall will be rebuilt. Mr. Flint said the plans are to cantilever over the stone wall. Mr. Williams suggested rebuilding the stone wall or reusing the stone somewhere else. Additionally, he said the final plans should include the construction plan, stormwater drainage plan, erosions control plan and filtration plan during construction.

Mr. Flint said plans include putting up a silt fence and added that the site topography is such that water goes into the catch basins.

Mr. Weiler noted that the grade and slopes must be calculated in order to follow the stormwater management regulations as described in Article XXI of the Newbury Zoning Ordinance.

The Board reviewed the departmental sign-off sheets. Ms. Ruppel noted that there were no comments except for the Newbury Conservation Commission, which expressed concern regarding the stormwater management plans regarding the increased roof runoff.

There being no further comments from the Board, Mr. Healey opened the public portion of the meeting.

        Brenda Digilio, an abutter, expressed concern about the external lighting at the Club. She noted that the existing lights were supposed to shine downward, per Paragraph 12.14 Exterior Lighting and Signs, and Paragraph of the Site Plan Review regulations.

Mr. Flint reviewed the planned lighting with Ms. Digilio. He said he and Mr. Turcotte will look into getting lights and bulbs that meet her concerns. Mr. Weiler suggested that Mr. Flint and Mr. Turcotte consider incorporating lighting recommended for “dark skies” lighting.

        Ms. Digilio expressed concern regarding the possibility that increased water in the
irrigation ponds might cause overflow into neighboring streams and into Lake Sunapee, carrying sediment into the waterways.

Mr. Turcotte said an outlet is installed in the irrigation ponds so if an overflow is imminent, the outlet directs the water to the second irrigation pond. That way, all the water is recaptured. He added that buffers are in place.

        Ms. Digilio questioned the plan’s existing conditions sheet, noting it does not reflect the existing conditions based on work that has been done previously. She questioned whether the contours were correct.

Mr. Turcotte said the site was surveyed during last summer.

        Ms. Digilio asked how they will deal with the existing well.

Mr. Turcotte said it will be removed during the excavation of the site.

There being no further comments from the public, Mr. Healey closed the public portion of the meeting.

There was further discussion regarding the exterior lighting.

Mr. Vannatta asked if the retention pond ever experienced an overflow. Mr. Turcotte said yes. Mr. Vannatta asked if there had ever been a concurrent overflow of both retention ponds. Mr. Turcotte said no. He added that there is regulated testing done to ensure that any water that gets into Blodgett’s Brook is sediment-free.

Mr. Vannatta asked how he removes the sediment from the irrigation ponds. Mr. Turcotte said the ponds are dredged from time to time.

Mr. Healey closed the hearing.


There were no minutes available for review.

Tackle Shack Letter
Mr. Healey read into the record the following e-mail from Dale Sandy, owner of The Tackle Shack:
From: The Tackle Shack []
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 6:13 PM
Subject: U-Haul at the Tackle Shack
Paul was approached by someone on the planning board saying The Tackle Shack did not have permission to operate U-Haul out of our location because it was a separate business. I mention we also have rented rug cleaners through Rug Doctor for 2 years and it works exactly the same as U-Haul. Paul said that didn't matter because it doesn't take up parking spaces??? He mentioned that I should go in and speak with Denise.
Denise wasn't sure what the problem was and suggested that I email you. Is it just a matter of putting it on file or asking for permission? I got the idea of doing U-Haul from Jon who did it at this location for about a year in 2001. He had to stop because it was busy enough to interfered with his main business.
There is definitely a need for this service in this area. We have been busy since the day we started. I make sure to park the trucks in the back and only the smaller ones and trailers on the side. They don't interfere with any of our customer parking.
When I went in to see Denise, Paul happened to be their as well and we did look back in the records and could not find where Jon got permission to run a U-Haul service either.
I searched the documents on the town's web site to see what we needed to do but couldn't find anything relating to something like this.
I'm still not sure what exactly needs to be done! Would you be willing to let us know what we need to do to continue providing the U-Haul service out of our location?
Thank you!
Dale Sandy
The Tackle Shack, LLC
(603) 763-5508
894 Route 103
Newbury, NH 03255

There was discussion about whether Mr. Sandy should be required to present a conceptual regarding the addition of the U-Haul services to his existing business.

Ms. Ruppel said town counsel advised that the Board has the ability to regulate any new business on the site and require that the applicant present a conceptual for said new business.

Ms. Ruppel suggested that the Board request from Mr. Sandy information about the scope of the business, the approximate number of rental vehicles, the number of parking spaces, dimensions of the building, sketches of the site with the tax map, and hours of operation.

Discussion followed. There was Board consensus that Mr. Sandy should meet with the Board to provide the above listed information about his U-Haul business. Mr. Healey agreed to send Mr. Sandy a letter regarding same.

Rules of Procedure Addition
Mr. Healey proposed an addition to the Board’s Rules of Procedure regarding the procedure for dealing with a regulation violation. Referencing a memo dated November 2005 from the Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) to the chairs of the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Mr. Healey noted that a violation concern should first go to the Board. If the Board agrees, then the violation concern will be sent on to the CEO.

Mr. Healey requested Board consensus to add the procedure to the Board’s Rules of procedure. The Board concurred.


Newbury Plaza/Lake Sunapee Bank Site Plan Signs
Mr. Healey reviewed the site plan change made to the approved Final Site Plan for the Newbury Plaza/Lake Sunapee Bank project. He said Bruss Construction contacted him regarding the minor change and he made a site visit. The change involved removing curbing by the entrance/exit area. He said the change was small and beneficial.

He asked the Board if the applicant submits four new site plans incorporating this change, is it necessary for Bruss Construction to come before the Board again for another site plan review.

Mr. Vannatta said it would be a procedural violation without holding a hearing. Mr. Weiler said the consideration is whether the change is substantial.

Discussion followed.

Ms. Ruppel referred the Board to Paragraph 16.2 Changes and Alterations in an Approved Site Plan.

Mr. Dezotell made a motion to accept this new site plan as stated in Paragraph 16.2 Changes and Alterations in an Approved Site Plan of the Site Plan Review regulations which states, “…The Board may grant such consent for good cause upon request of the applicant and upon such notice and hearing as may be required.” Mr. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Healey called for a Roll Call vote.
In Favor: Mr. Williams, Mr. Smith, Mr. Dezotell, Mr. Powell, Mr. Weiler, Mr. Vannatta, Mr. Healey
Opposed: None

The Board signed the following mylars:
  • Revised Site Plan for Mt/ Sunapee Resort Aerial Adventure Park
  • Site Plan for Mt. Sunapee Resort Competition Center
  • Revised Site Plan for Newbury Harbor Plaza
Mr. Dezotell made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary